Fraud Reporting
Keeping accounting records on the up and up.
If you are concerned about fraud in your company, we encourage you to contact us. We handle reports related to
- Accounting
- Auditing
- Internal controls
- Financial reporting
- Misappropriations
- Or any other form of financial misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud
Reports will be kept confidential to the extent possible, and we make every effort to protect the reporter’s identity. No identifying information about you will be submitted to your organization’s management.
We also offer a Whistleblower program for your employees to report knowledge of internal fraud. Though anonymous reports will be accepted, employees are encouraged to provide their identity, including a time, email, and phone number, to assist with the investigation and allow for follow-up questions or additional procedures.
Anonymous reports must include sufficient information and corroborating evidence to justify and facilitate a proper investigation.
Call Toll Free: 1-877-360-0760
Write To: Henry & Peters, P.C. Attn: Fraud Reporting 3304 S Broadway Ave, Tyler, TX 75701
Click here for our online Fraud Hotline
* Please note that we are unable to investigate reports that fail to provide enough detailed information and that don’t have contact information
Industry Specializations
Financial Institutions
Oil & Gas
Engineering & Manufacturing
Small Businesses

Fraud Reporting
Fraud is a serious offense with far-reaching impact. If you have concerns related to accounting, auditing, internal controls, financial reporting, misappropriations, or any other form of financial misconduct, dishonesty or fraud, we encourage you to speak to one of our Certified Fraud Examiners.