FAQs about reporting subsequent events

FAQs about reporting subsequent events

Subsequent events are in the spotlight these days. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) recently initiated a project to modernize outdated auditing standards related to these events. The PCAOB says the audit guidance hasn’t kept pace with changes in...
Can I itemize deductions on my tax return?

Can I itemize deductions on my tax return?

You may wonder if you can claim itemized deductions on your tax return. Perhaps you made charitable contributions and were told in the past they couldn’t be claimed because you didn’t have enough deductions to itemize. How much do you need? You can itemize deductions...
Casualty Loss Relief

Casualty Loss Relief

The newly enacted Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2023 allows individual taxpayers affected by federally declared disasters to deduct personal casualty losses without itemizing deductions and without the typical reduction of $100 per casualty loss and 10% of...
Social Security Fairness Act

Social Security Fairness Act

On January 5, 2025, the Social Security Fairness Act was signed into law, ending the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO). These two provisions reduced or eliminated Social Security benefits to many people receiving pensions from...