Paperwork You Can Toss After Filing Your Tax Return

Paperwork You Can Toss After Filing Your Tax Return

Once you file your 2022 tax return, you may wonder what personal tax papers you can throw away and how long you should retain certain records. You may have to produce those records if the IRS audits your return or seeks to assess tax. It’s a good idea to keep the...
New-and-Improved Accounting Rules for Common Control Leases

New-and-Improved Accounting Rules for Common Control Leases

On March 27, 2023, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) published narrowly drawn amendments to the lease accounting rules. The updated guidance clarifies issues that are relevant to rental agreements between businesses that have the same owner. Written vs....
The Tax Advantages of Hiring Your Child This Summer

The Tax Advantages of Hiring Your Child This Summer

Summer is around the corner so you may be thinking about hiring young people at your small business. At the same time, you may have children looking to earn extra spending money. You can save family income and payroll taxes by putting your child on the payroll. It’s a...