
Dec. 27, 2021 | Two-week countdown to Frisco

Countdown to the Frisco open house: 2 Weeks to go until the official opening of our Frisco office on January 6th 2022. Have you RSVP’d for the Frisco open house? If not, there is still time. Please send all RSVPs to jkostrzewa@henrypeters.com and include your name,...

Dec. 21, 2021 | Annual Employee Luncheon

H&P enjoyed our Annual Employee Luncheon at Hollytree Country Club. Several of our Officers presented the 2021 Year-In-Review including changes and additions to our H&P Team, summary of employee accomplishments, and a great Financial Report. Wonderful food and...

Dec. 20, 2021 | Three-week countdown to Frisco…

Countdown to the Frisco Open House: 3 Weeks to go until the official opening of our Frisco office on January, 6th 2022. The Frisco office has fully decorated the office for Christmas – the tree is front and center and turned out great. What is your favorite thing to...