
PPP Loan Forgiveness Tool 7/23/2020

Paycheck Protection Program loans are helpful, but they’re not simple. As we’ve said before, it can be a complicated process, and Henry & Peters, PC is here to help you navigate the complexities.   The AICPA and Biz2Credit have published an...

IRS guidance provides RMD rollover relief 7/6/2020

The CARES Act was enacted in an attempt to mitigate the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other things, it extends favorable tax treatment to qualified individuals who take so-called “coronavirus-related distributions” (CRDs) from IRAs, 401(k) plans and...

HEROES Act 5/27/2020

More relief may be ahead through the HEROES Act. Things are still very much up in the air, though, and Henry & Peters, PC is keeping a close eye on facts for you. CPAs Thomas Neuhoff and Linda Cooper have an update on the status of that Health & Economic...