
New Part-Time Staff Associate and Summer Interns

Taylar Rivers joined Henry & Peters June 8th as part time Staff Associate. Taylar will graduate with her Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting in December of 2020 from the University of Texas at Tyler. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA while working...

New Staff Associate

Izrell Adams, former intern, joins Henry & Peters Longview August 10th as part-time Staff Associate. Izrell graduated with his Bachelor’s degree from UTT in May of this year. He is currently working on earning the number of hours required at Texas A&M Commerce...

Staff Associate

Melissa Garcia transitioned from part-time to full-time Staff Associate at Henry & Peters Tyler on September 1st.

New Staff Associate

Lincoln Fischer, former intern, returns to the Tyler office September 8th as full-time Staff Associate after his graduation from Hendrix College in Arkansas with his BBA in Accounting.