Barbara holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting from the University of St. Thomas in Houston. She began her career in the audit department of Price Waterhouse, also in Houston, where she gained a valuable foundation. She since has worked in a variety of environments, including as a management accountant with an apartment developer, accounting manager with a golf course and an insurance agency and a financial analyst with an ambulance service. Throughout it all, she has learned to focus on ensuring that the financial information provides for the needs of management and discovered her enjoyment for training and helping non-accountants better understand and use their information.
Barbara has a daughter who is married and is a linguistics research assistant at the University of North Texas. Music has always been a big part of Barbara’s life, whether it’s been singing in a choir, playing acoustic guitar with a church worship band or enjoying personal time in her own music room. She also loves writing, teaching classes at her church and working in her yard.