FAQs about reporting subsequent events

FAQs about reporting subsequent events

Subsequent events are in the spotlight these days. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) recently initiated a project to modernize outdated auditing standards related to these events. The PCAOB says the audit guidance hasn’t kept pace with changes in...
Can I itemize deductions on my tax return?

Can I itemize deductions on my tax return?

You may wonder if you can claim itemized deductions on your tax return. Perhaps you made charitable contributions and were told in the past they couldn’t be claimed because you didn’t have enough deductions to itemize. How much do you need? You can itemize deductions...
Do you have an excess business loss?

Do you have an excess business loss?

If an individual taxpayer has substantial business losses, unfavorable federal income tax rules can potentially come into play. Here’s what you need to know as you assess your 2024 tax situation. Disallowance rule The tax rules can get complicated if your business or...
Tackling risk management with a proactive approach

Tackling risk management with a proactive approach

Risks are unavoidable in today’s volatile, uncertain marketplace. However, proactive owners and executives can manage business risks more effectively with an enterprise risk management (ERM) framework. A structured approach helps organizations anticipate risks, seize...