
New Staff Associate

Izrell Adams, former intern, joins Henry & Peters Longview August 10th as part-time Staff Associate. Izrell graduated with his Bachelor’s degree from UTT in May of this year. He is currently working on earning the number of hours required at Texas A&M Commerce...

Staff Associate

Melissa Garcia transitioned from part-time to full-time Staff Associate at Henry & Peters Tyler on September 1st.

New Staff Associate

Lincoln Fischer, former intern, returns to the Tyler office September 8th as full-time Staff Associate after his graduation from Hendrix College in Arkansas with his BBA in Accounting.

New Staff Associate

Paige Pinkston joins Henry & Peters Tyler office September 8th as full-time Staff Associate. Paige recently completed her Master of Accountancy program at UTT in August.

Henry & Peters WorkHub Presentation

Certified Public Accountants Linda Cooper and Shawn Onley, both Managers at Henry & Peters, PC., share important information and best practices on accounting, bookkeeping, and tax planning for small and medium-sized businesses during the Entrepreneurial...