How to forecast smarter

How to forecast smarter

Financial forecasting provides a roadmap to guide your organization on the path to success. Forecasts support strategic planning by helping you allocate resources efficiently, manage risks effectively and optimize capital investments. However, today’s dynamic...
Review real-time data with flash reports

Review real-time data with flash reports

It usually takes between two and six weeks for management to prepare financial statements that comply with the accounting rules. The process takes longer if an outside accountant reviews or audits your reports. Timely information is critical to making informed...

How are Series EE savings bonds taxed?

Savings bonds are purchased by many Americans, often as a way to help fund college or show their patriotism. Series EE bonds, which replaced Series E bonds, were first issued in 1980. From 2001 to 2011, they were designated as “Patriot Bonds” as a way for Americans...